Saturday, July 20, 2013

Ways I'm Not A Grown-Up, The Nineteenth In A Potentially Infinite Series

"But I don't wanna!" still seems to me a perfectly valid reason not to do something, particularly when it's me that doesn't want to do whatever it is that needs doing.

Perhaps the fact that I don't use it as an excuse anywhere near as often as I'd like could be considered a step in the right direction.


  1. I think it's perfectly valid.

  2. Disagree! I am learning more and more that "I don't want to do that" is a perfectly good reason for not doing something. Learn it now. You won't regret it. :)
    Glad to see you here :))))))

  3. The problem I have is that when"I don't wanna" I can't accept the fact that I may just not want to do something. I have to analyze why "I don't wanna". I torture myself with pro and con arguments accompanied by feelings of guilt. I usually wind up doing the very thing that I didn't really "wanna do" in the first place. Sometimes it works out and I wonder why I made such a big deal about it, other times I kick myself for not sticking to my original inclination.

  4. I use "But I don't WANNA be a pirate" to make me sound more grown-up. And Seinfeld-savvy.

  5. When my kids say that, I usually counter with- "But, I don't wanna make dinner, or pay bills, or take you swimming." They just roll their eyes.

  6. I think professors should accept that as a perfectly valid reason to not write papers. Just sayin'.
