Have you ever thought about the expression, "Running around like a chicken with its head cut off?" I mean, is that to imply that pre-beheaded chickens are somehow orderly and organized? Head or no head, chickens are a fluttery, chattery, ditzy species, right? So do we have to be so very graphic and insensitive? Can't we just say we're running around like chickens period?
So. I've been running around like a proverbial chicken with or without its proverbial head. I've often bemoaned the shortage of time in December and the long list of things we all expect to get done in so few days. Between the Day Job and Christmas shopping for four increasingly picky children (with increasingly expensive tastes) and trying to scribble out a few Christmas cards to the nearest and dearest (a good portion of whom I only hear from (and vice versa) this time of year) and trying to get a little ritual baking done (it's therapeutic--what's NOT therapeutic is trying to schedule it around everything else that's going on).
In years past, I have suggested to friends, family and coworkers that we start a movement to add the 28 days of February on to December. I mean, what's the point of February, really? Especially in the areas of the country that experience the joys of winter weather, February is just one more trial to be survived before spring's arrival. Though it's the shortest month according to the calendar, it often seems to drag on and on. And December, though it has a full allotment of 31 days, seems to fly on by with barely a chance to catch your breath. Borrowing a page from the best episode of Rugrats ever, we can call it "Decebuary" and we can have the 28 extra days all at the beginning before Christmas, thereby at least moderately upping the chances of me getting all this stuff done on time.
You know what else would help me get things done in a more timely fashion? Spending a little less time blogging (and compulsively reading everyone else's brilliant blogs)...but I gotta say we stand a way greater chance of pushing this Decebuary thing through than of me cutting back on the blogging.
Mindful Memories of a Masked Mom
2 weeks ago
I hear you about adding days to December. I just started my shopping this past weekend. I am so not ready for this, and Christmas Cards??? Yeah we still gotta take the photo. I am thinking they just might not happen this year. I would graciously offer up February for the extra days...but Sydney was born on the 1st of February, so a month that went by without much second thought has now become a grand month indeed!!! Maybe we could tack on 27 days instead of 28?
ReplyDeleteOh, no...you can't stop blogging. Because then, I can't NOT shop and read your blog too! HA!
ReplyDeleteWe have NO winter where I live, so I'm all for your February idea!
Great idea...and could we get rid of January too because apart from New Year the month is HORRID...
I haven't done ANY christmas shopping yet, but guess what?
ReplyDeleteI have caught up on my blogging.
Little Miss-
ReplyDeleteI love your list of priorties!!
Thanks MM for your comments on my blog. I was in a moment, well really a funk for hours and hours. Still harboring some anger. It is 7:30 at night and I have people in my house scrambling to change out the formica countertops that I picked out when we bought this house. It is like the final stab in my heart. Sorry to go on and on here too. But knowing that you too have dealt with the feelings and thoughts I am harboring right now makes me feel a little less lost in everthing. Bless you!
ReplyDeleteI would welcome Decembruary with opened arms!
ReplyDeleteI would love the additional 28 days to get my shopping and other holiday chores done however I am not sure the sacrifice is worth it....I mean an additional 28 days of Christmas music, Christmas movies and Christmas commercials. I can handle the 30+ days we have now however I'm not sure I could handle double that...I'll sleep on it and get back with you... :)
ReplyDeleteThis is newspaper column-worthy! My View in the Buffalo News?
ReplyDeleteok, so you were serious? about cutting back on the blogging? because that just sucks for the rest of us.
ReplyDelete; )
Patti--Thanks for the suggestion (and the vote of confidence!) but it will probably have to wait for next Decebuary...;)
ReplyDeleteEveryone else, I'm running around like a chicken (still, more)...