Thursday, August 02, 2012

What I Did On My Blog Vacation: A Photoessay(ish)

Some things I've been doing while I've been away:

Baking cakes...

Looks like dinner, tastes like dessert.

Seventh Niece (whose name starts with "Z") turned THREE!

Eight-year-old Sixth Niece asked, "Can you do me in a cheerleading pose?" Heh. Fortunately, she's easy to please.

Meeting Naked Ladies...
These Ladies were fully-clothed gentlemen.

Helping the next generation get settled in a new home...
Son-One & Girlfriend purchased their first home--much painting, carpet-pulling, minor electrical work and furniture-moving ensued. (Along with many two-hours-one-way trips to Buffalo & back.)

Stalking previous generations...
The resting place of my mother's father's father's father's mother's parents, Susannah (Chapman) & Marshal Robbins.

Missing all of you guys...

Drove past this on the way to Buffalo last week. Immediately thought, "I need to go back and get a picture of that for my blog--Larissa needs to see this"...and it made me remember how much I miss blogging and blog-hopping and so, here I am again...


  1. You met the Barenaked Ladies?!! I am so jealous. You have been missed in these parts, but there is so much living to be done, no? Always happy to see a new Masked Mom post pop up on my reader. Welcome back, I've missed you.

    1. YES! I met the Barenaked Ladies!!!!! Thanks to the generosity and thoughtfulness of my Baby Brother and his wife, who paid for the VIP Meet & Greet package. What a blast!

      Thanks for the welcome back. I've definitely missed you, too. Looking forward to getting caught up--hopefully in the next few days.

  2. You're back! We're both back! I missed blogging and my bloggerific friends, too. Good to see you...and now I want cake. :O)

    1. Can't wait to hop around and catch up with everyone. Hoping tomorrow or Monday. At the moment, off to Buffalo again.

  3. Oh, wow, your cakes are beautiful! I make a birthday cake for any nephew who asks for it, but it's just plain chocolate....I'm feeling inspired after seeing yours. And wishing I had a piece of cake right now!

    1. I'm totally self-taught--and it often shows in crooked corners, etc. But everyone always raves about them, which makes me continue to challenge myself. It's definitely just a hobby, but I really enjoy it.

  4. Hooray! You're back!
    I had several thoughts as I saw your pictures--
    -the cakes are adorable. Your talents know no bounds.
    -I love that house! So cute. Also, my husband and I met in Buffalo! (We were both there serving missions for our church.)
    -going to cemeteries was one of my favorite things to do back east. I loved looking at old headstones, so much history there.
    -just very glad you're back!!

    1. Happy to be back too! And have so much catching up to more long day in Buffalo and then things should be settling down again for a bit.

      I've always been a bit of a cemetery geek--loved living in New England for that reason--seems like there's a little cemetery tucked in every few miles up there. The fact that I was able to find a stone nearby here for my great-great-great-great-grandparents was kinda mindblowing for me.

  5. So happy to see you back!! Looks like you've been busy! Larissa will love that picture!!

    1. Glad to be back! Looking foward to getting caught up with everyone!

  6. OHHHH!!!!

    You're just wonderful! The cakes are amazing, and yes! I love that picture and the fact that you remembered and stopped to take a picture just for me makes me love it all the more. (:

    1. Oh, Larissa, it was so fantastic. It was enormous and just staring out at the road. I couldn't resist. Hubby and I got in a debate about whether it was on purpose or by accident and which one would be more fantastic. Can't wait to read about all your Brazillian adventures. :)

  7. Such fabulous cakes! Mmmm, cake...

    Glad you're back. ;-)

    1. Glad to be back. Can't wait to stop over for a visit at your place and see what's up in your world. :)

  8. Cookie monster and cute smiley in a random to be natural, right?

    Loving catching up and I missed everyone loads too ;-)

  9. How I love BNL. :-) What a fun post.
