Friday, March 02, 2012

Can I Get A Little Spell Check On The Side?

If you hold the extra "h," will they cost even less?

In fairness, I would like to report that the day after I snapped this shot, the extra "h" was removed from the sign. As I drove past the corrected sign, I thought, "Wow, there is hope."


  1. With prices like that, it's not a sand-which situation. Just a sand-wow!

    1. There are really no words to express exactly how delightful I thought this was. (And, the ShamWow guy totally read it out loud in my head,so--BONUS!)

  2. My inner English/Grammar/Spelling police is very very disturbed.

    1. Mine, too. I'm always leery of posting these things for fear of seeming mean, but then I convince myself that I'm doing something of a public service. ;)

    2. I haven't dared until now, but you seem to get away with it, so maybe my Wordless Wednesday pics will get snarkier. Just a tad, though:)

  3. One of the things that has fallen to me is managing the marquee out in front of the school. I have kids that are happy to put the lettering in for me but I never fail to go out and check when they tell me they are done - it wouldn't look good if the spell checker failed on the school sign...

    1. JT, I wish there were more people who thought like you did. :) I understand not everyone can spell, for any number of reasons. I just don't understand why those are the people so often put in charge of the signs.

  4. I love a catchy title.

    On a different note, I have challenged Laytonville to work with me to figure out a way of paying baby Kaiden's college tuition, and I had a thought. Would the fine people of Laytonville pay a buck for a favorite essay? I put it out on FaceBook, on my way down to protest the lie that the editor of the paper told me, as to why my articles on Jamal had been left out. So things are heating up, and I felt compelled to share with my longest and dearest colleague from our blogging community the interesting path, that this saga is taking. I will keep you informed.

    You know what else I discovered? If you enlarge the hard VW"s, it is easier. Try it.

    1. Thanks, Mark. Do keep me posted on the ongoing saga of the unprofessional editor. I find the whole situation baffling. And I will definitely give enlarging those VWs a shot. I have had multiple retries this last week or so.

  5. I'm hoping that the first time they put up the letters they were just standing too close to the board to see it correctly. Let's just go with that....

  6. I think they read your blog post and were embarrassed!
