As alarming as Fourth Niece's stories of the failed romantic relationships (of nine-year-olds) were, they pale in comparison to this gem from Baby Brother's Girlfriend's Then Four-Year-Old Daughter.
I picked her up on the way to Daughter-Only's (then) Boyfriend's house. Four-Year-Old had spoken with The Boyfriend by phone once or twice because Four-Year-Olds love the phone and at that point Daughter-Only and The Boyfriend spent a pathological amount of time on the phone and had to fill it with something.
I told her we were going to pick up the Boyfriend and Four-Year-Old said, "Is he the one with the hot voice?"
And I said, "Honey! You're FOUR!"
And she said, "What?! It's not MY fault he was born hot!"
Mindful Memories of a Masked Mom
2 weeks ago
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