Friday, April 20, 2012

Pass It On

I had an almost entirely unproductive day today--the one notable exception was that I packaged up my copy of Creative Is a Verb and sent it on its way across the country to Graciewilde. Here's hoping she enjoys it as much as I did and takes the same delight in passing it along.

Thanks again to Jane for starting this chain of creative generosity.


  1. Oh boy!!!! Here I am in NYC and now I know there is a surprise coming my way! Thank you and a shout out to Jane too!

  2. YAY!



    I couldn't get a freestanding page to work so that people could leave comments on it on Blogger. I'm still in the process of moving to Word Press and will have a page for this there. I'm so sorry about that! I'm just glad the chain continues and that you've enjoyed the book as much as I have.

  3. What a great idea. We should do chains of other books...hmmm. Let me think on it for a bit.

  4. What a fantastic recipient for that book! I have to finish my copy posthaste so I can pass it on.
